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I am back in Phoenix!

Updated: Jul 20, 2022

First things first, the key to the studio has been located and I am pretty sure I have moved your credits over to Monday, July 25th for my gaffe this past Monday night when I showed up with now way to get into the building. I am so embarrassed.

I could not find the key the following morning, so I asked my mother if they took a key off my car keys which I left behind while I was gone in Chicago. She opened a drawer and showed me that key and another set that they didn't need so she just put them away. I took a deep breath through my nose, smiled and thanked her for letting me know where they were.

(Le Sigh).

Due to a new scheduling conflict with our venue Studio 4, I've cancelled the Saturday morning beginner class effective immediately, through the end of August. I am seeking new space to rent in Central Phoenix to possibly take the class back up again in the future, please let me know if you know of any decent spaces (preferable queer spaces) we can use for beginner yoga. *Does not have to be naked.

I have booked Studio 4 on Monday's and Wednesday's thru the end of September 2022:

Monday 7:30pm

In Person Class

Attend this class with your partner or on your own.

Students will be mixed and matched after every few poses.

Wednesday 7:30pm
In Person Class

Easy, relaxing and all on the floor.

Truly get into your stretch and go inward during long hold times in poses.

Also, I have a new email address!

Please feel free to direct your questions, concerns, fears and anxieties to me at

See you in class for Yin Yoga tonight!


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BearNakedYogi LLC

dba Melrose Yoga LLC

4113 North 7th Avenue, 2nd Floor 

Phoenix, AZ 85013

Tel: 602-565-5413

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