A Special Announcement regarding parking at Studio 4:
You may park in The Ballet Theatre Parking lot or east of the posted 'No Parking' signs along Rose Lane. You may also park on Claremont Street near Uncle Biff's Cookies. The parking that was being used at Salon Denmark next door is no longer available and they are actively following people who park there to tow cars.
Monday's 7:30pm www.nakedmenspartneryoga.com
Wednesday's 7:30pm www.nakedmensyinyoga.com
My new email is forrest@bearnakedyogi.com
I am currently seeking studio rental space anywhere in the Valley of the Sun to conduct a Beginner Yoga Class on Saturday Mornings around 10:30am or 11:00am. I am not limiting the class to Central Phoenix, I am open the East Valley or West Valley cities as well. The space I was renting has cancelled my time to serve their own business interest, so I'm now looking for a new venue.
Thanks for your practice!
Forrest @BearNakedYogi
